Announcements for the Week of November 17
Today: Sunday, November 17
10am Worship with the Sacrament and Sunday School
Monday, November 18
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
7:30pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson
Tuesday, November 19
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
7:00pm GriefShare
Wednesday, November 20
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
4:15pm Confirmation
7:30pm Midweek Bible Study
Thursday, November 21
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
10:00am Midweek Bible Study
1:00pm GriefShare
Sunday, November 24
10:00am Worship and Sunday School
3:00pm Tree Lighting at KKLC
Looking Ahead
November 29: Junior Youth
December 1: Christmas Pageant Practice after Worship
December 1: Benevolent Auction
December 8: Sunday School Christmas Pageant
December 10: GriefShare Surviving the Holidays Seminar
Annual Tree Lighting
Come on out to the church on Sunday, November 24, from 3:00-5:00pm. There will be hot chocolate, cookies, a craft station for kids, advent packages for families and caroling around the fire. We will light up the large spruce tree when it gets dark! Please invite your friends and join us!
Cookies for the Tree Lighting
We are looking for donations of cookies for the Christmas Tree Lighting. If you’re able to bring some cookies, please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board. Thank you!
Young Adults Retreat
Hastings Lake Bible Camp is hosting a Young Adults Retreat the weekend of November 29-December 1 for young adults ages 18-35ish. The cost for the retreat is $50+GST. Participants will be helping with the Hastings Lights fundraiser in the evenings, which helps offset the cost of the retreat. Registration is due by Wednesday, November 20. You can register on the website at Talk to Samantha for more information.
Annual Benevolent Auction
Sunday, December 1, after worship.
GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays
A one-day holiday seminar to give you encouragement, support, and valuable tools to navigate the challenges of the season. Tuesday, December 10, 7:00-9:00pm at King of Kings. Talk to Linda Herron.
Ladies Christmas Centerpiece Crafting
Ladies, you’re invited to join Theresa from The Flower Boutique in Innisfail, here at the church, for a Christmas Centerpiece Crafting event on Saturday, December 14. We’ll start with a meal together at 12pm, with crafting following at 1pm. The cost for the event is $85+GST. If you’re interested please let Samantha or Deb know by November 24.
Apple Pies for Nicaragua
We sold 128 pies and raised $2391 for the 2025 Nicaragua Mission Project! On behalf of Team Zion thank you for your generous support!