Announcements – February 2
Today: Sunday, February 2 | Thursday, February 6 |
10:00 am Worship With Sacrament | 8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours |
Kid’s Sunday School | Friday, February 7 |
Baked Potato Lunch to Follow | Saturday, February 8 |
Monday, February 3 | Sunday, February 9 |
8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours | 10:00 am Worship |
4:15 pm Confirmation Classes | |
7:30 pm AA/AI-Anon at Dickson | |
Tuesday, February 4 | |
8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours | |
Wednesday, February 5 | |
8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours | |
9:00 am Evangeline in the office | |
Looking Ahead:
February 11: Discipleship Unlimited
February 21: Junior Youth
February 28: Friday Night in the Light for Discipleship Unlimited Class
March 2: Salad potluck lunch after worship
March 4: Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Supper
March 5: Lenten services begin each Wednesday 7:30 PM
Baked Potato Lunch After Worship: Everyone is welcome to join our Baked Potato Lunch after worship today!
Mark Your Calendars for VBS 2025 The dates have been chosen, start planning your summer by adding Vacation Bible School to your calendar for July 14-18.
Life Coach at King of Kings What is life coaching? Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling. We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings. This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund. Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.
Announcements Please call the church at 728-3829, or email at [email protected] and leave a message by noon on Wednesday each week to have your announcements printed in the bulletin. Thank you.
When you send an email to the Church… Please remember that we have a number of different email addresses (listed below). The general email address should be used for basic information and announcements. If your message is confidential, be sure to use Pastor’s or Samantha’s email addresses.
Church Contact Information
Pastor’s phone: 403-505-1645; Samantha’s phone: 236-513-1907
Administration email address: [email protected]
Samantha’s email address: [email protected]
Pastor’s private email address: [email protected]
Offerings can be E-Transferred to: [email protected]