Announcements for the Week of October 13

This Week:

7:30pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson

3:30pm Discipleship Unlimited
7:00pm GriefShare

4:15pm Confirmation
7:30pm Midweek Bible Study: Gospel of Mark

10:00am Midweek Bible Study: Gospel of Mark
1:00pm GriefShare

9:00am Lay Ministers Training

10:00am Worship with the Sacrament
Sunday School
Youth Trip Information Session (After Worship)

Looking Ahead:
October 22-24: Pastor and Samantha at Church Workers’ Conference
October 25: Junior Youth Reformation Party
October 26: Ladies Crafternoon: Book Pumpkins
October 27: Reformation Turkey Dinner
November 24: Christmas Tree Lighting at King of Kings
December 1: Benevolent Auction
December 8: Sunday School Christmas Pageant

Youth Trip Information Session
Youth in Grades 7-12 and their parents are invited to join Samantha on Sunday, October 20 after worship for a short information session regarding the upcoming National Youth Gathering, and a possible provincial youth retreat. See Samantha for more information.

Ladies Crafternoon: Book Pumpkins
Calling all ladies! You are invited to a crafternoon on Saturday, October 26 from 2:00-4:00pm. We will be making book pumpkins, diving into the Bible and eating some delicious snacks. If you would like to come, please let Amanda or Samantha know. This is a free event, but a freewill offering will be available for LWMLC Missions.

Welcome Back!

We are excited to welcome you back to our website! Head over to the KKLC Events tab to see all the upcoming events and check back often for new information, updates and announcements.