Announcements – January 5


Today:  Sunday, January 5Thursday, January 9
    10:00 am Worship with the Sacrament     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
                       Kid’s Sunday School     10:00 am Midweek Bible Study
          Soup and Bun lunch after worshipFriday, January 10
Monday, January 6Saturday, January 11
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursSunday, January 12
     4:15 pm Confirmation Class    10:00 am Worship
     7:00 pm Music Selection Meeting                       Kid’s Sunday School
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson 
Tuesday, January 7 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
Wednesday, January 8 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     7:30 pm Midweek Bible Study 

Looking ahead
January 5:  Soup and Bun lunch after worship.
January 6:  Confirmation resumes
January 8/9: Midweek Bible Study resumes
January 9-25:  Team Zion on the job in Nicaragua!  Please pray!
January 14:  Discipleship Unlimited resumes
January 23:  Voter’s Meeting

Kids Sunday School  resumes today!  May God richly bless all students and teachers.

Soup and Bun Sunday!!  Please join us after worship on After Worship Today for great fellowship and a yummy soup and bun meal

Confirmation Resumes  Please remember the change of the day of the week!  Confirmation will now meet on Mondays at 4:15 pm.  The First Monday class will be on January 6th

Music Selection Committee Meeting  Will be held Monday, January 6th at 7:00 pm. (Don’t forget, Crew, that we will be having pizza and wings at 6:30!)

Midweek Bible Study  Resumes this week, Wednesday/Thursday, December 4th & 5th  The sessions will be held Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm, and Thursday mornings at 10:00 am.  We have three more sessions on the Gospel of Mark, this week will be on Lesson 8, “Jesus’ Death Draws Near” (Mark 12:13-13:37).

Team Zion’s trip to Nicaragua begins. Norm, Deb, Fred, Samantha and the rest of Team Zion will be beginning their trek to Nicaragua on January, 9th.  Let’s be sure to keep them all in our prayers.

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Announcements  Please call the church at 728-3829, or email at [email protected]  and leave a message by noon on Wednesday each week to have your announcements printed in the bulletin.  If your announcement is not related to a specific date, please indicate how many weeks the announcement should be included in the bulletin.  Thank you.

When you send an email to the Church…  Please remember that we have a number of different email addresses.  The general email address should be used for basic information and announcements.  If your message is confidential, be sure to use Pastor’s or Samantha’s email addresses.

January Grapevine

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16)

January 18 is the day in the church calendar that the Christian Church remembers this confession of Peter of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. As you read the New Testament, Jesus’ identity is clearly revealed. There is no ambiguity about it, no matter what the world may preach. The mission of Christ is also very plain. The world rails against the simple teaching of the Scriptures that Jesus came to live, die and rise again to rescue the human race from sin. An angel of the Lord said to Joseph that Mary’s Son would “…save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

No matter what the world may proclaim, no matter what the devil may tempt us to believe, no matter what our sinful nature desires to do, let us tenaciously hold fast to this confession….

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Pastor Russ

Announcements – December 29


Today:  Sunday, December 29Thursday, January 2
    10:00 am Worship     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
Pastor on holiday thru January 1     2:00 pm Board of Church Life Meeting
Monday, December 30     7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at DicksonFriday, January 3
Tuesday, December 31Saturday, January 4
Wednesday, January 1     2:00 pm Ladie’s Bible Study/Activity
   Happy New Year!Sunday, January 5
     10:00 am Worship with the Sacrament
                        Kid’s Sunday School
           Soup and Bun lunch after worship

Looking ahead
December 26-January 1: Pastor on holiday
January 2:  Board of Church Life Meeting
January 2: Church Council Meeting
January 4: Ladies’ Bible Study and Activity
January 5:  Soup and Bun lunch after worship.
January 6:  Confirmation resumes
January 8/9: Midweek Bible Study resumes
January 14:  Discipleship Unlimited resumes
January 23:  Voter’s Meeting

Pastor Russ on Holiday:  Pastor and Pat will be on holiday December 26-January 1

New Year, Same God: Ladies Bible Study & Activity  Ladies, you’re invited to join Amanda and Samantha for another Bible Study and activity on Saturday, January 4 from 2-4pm. We’ll be challenging the idea of “new year, new me.” Come with your favourite Bible verse and an anti-resolution snack to share. We will also highlight an LWMLC mission grant project and a freewill offering will be taken. We hope you can join us!

Kids Sunday School  will be taking a break for the Christmas holiday, they can look forward to starting up again on January 5th

Soup and Bun Sunday!!  Please join us after worship on Sunday, January 5th for great fellowship and a yummy soup and bun meal

Confirmation Resumes  Please remember the change of the day of the week!  Confirmation will now meet on Mondays at 4:15 pm.  The First Monday class will be on January 6th

Midweek Bible Study will be taking a break until Wednesday/Thursday, January 8th & 9th

Young Adult Retreat at King of Kings We are planning on hosting a young adult retreat (ages 18-35ish) at King of Kings the weekend of June 6-8. If you have a spare bed and
would be willing to host a young adult or presenter for the weekend, please let Samantha know. All meals will be provided at the church, we’re just looking for a more comfortable place to sleep than the church floor

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Samantha’s Upcoming Days Away. Samantha will be joining Norm, Deb, Fred and the rest of Team Zion on the Nicaragua mission trip, January 9-25.

Announcements – December 22


Today:  Sunday, December 22Thursday, December 26
    10:00 am WorshipPastor on holiday thru January 1
Monday, December 23Friday, December 27
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursSaturday, December 28
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at DicksonSunday, December 29
Tuesday, December 24    10:00 am Worship
     7:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship         With Mr. Mark Giesbrecht
Wednesday, December 25 
     11:00 am Christmas Festival Worship 

Worship Opportunities this Christmas Season:
December 24: 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Dickson
December 24: 9:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Raven
December 25: 11:00 am Christmas Day Festival Worship with Communion at Dickson
December 29: 10:00 am Worship with Mr. Mark Giesbrecht (Pastor on holiday)

Pastor Russ on Holiday:  Pastor and Pat will be on holiday December 26-January 1.

New Year, Same God: Ladies Bible Study & Activity  Ladies, you’re invited to join Amanda and Samantha for another Bible Study and activity on Saturday, January 4 from 2-4pm. We’ll be challenging the idea of “new year, new me.” Come with your favourite Bible verse and an anti-resolution snack to share. We will also highlight an LWMLC mission grant project and a freewill offering will be taken. We hope you can join us!

Kids Sunday School  will be taking a break for the Christmas holiday, they can look forward to starting up again on January 5th

Soup and Bun Sunday!!  Please join us after worship on Sunday, January 5th for great fellowship and a yummy soup and bun meal

Confirmation Resumes  Please remember the change of the day of the week!  Confirmation will now meet on Mondays at 4:15 pm.  The First Monday class will be on January 6th

Midweek Bible Study will be taking a break until Wednesday/Thursday, January 8th & 9th

Young Adult Retreat at King of Kings We are planning on hosting a young adult retreat (ages 18-35ish) at King of Kings the weekend of June 6-8. If you have a spare bed and
would be willing to host a young adult or presenter for the weekend, please let Samantha know. All meals will be provided at the church, we’re just looking for a more comfortable place to sleep than the church floor

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Samantha’s Upcoming Days Away. Samantha will be joining Norm, Deb, Fred and the rest of Team Zion on the Nicaragua mission trip, January 9-25.

Announcements – December 15


Today:  Sunday, December 15Thursday, December 19
    10:00 am Worship with the Sacrament     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
Monday, December 16Friday, December 20
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursSaturday, December 21
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at DicksonSunday, December 22
Tuesday, December 17    10:00 am Worship
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     9:30 am Fellowship Meeting 
Wednesday, December 18 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 

Looking ahead
December 14-19:  Samantha on holiday for Christmas with her family
December 26-January 1: Pastor on holiday for Christmas with his family
January 2:  Board of Church Life Meeting
January 2: Church Council Meeting
January 4: Ladies’ Bible Study and Activity
January 5:  Soup and Bun lunch after worship

Worship Opportunities this Christmas Season:
December 24: 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Dickson
December 24: 9:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Raven
December 25: 11:00 am Christmas Day Festival Worship with Communion at Dickson
December 29: 10:00 am Worship with Mr. Mark Giesbrecht (Pastor on holiday)

Kids Sunday School  will be taking a break for the Christmas holiday, they can look forward to starting up again on January 5th

Samantha’s Upcoming Days Away Samantha will be away on Christmas holidays from December 14-19. Samantha will be joining Norm, Deb, Fred and the rest of Team Zion on the Nicaragua mission trip, January 9-25.

Pastor Russ on Holiday:  Pastor and Pat will be on holiday December 26-January 1

Midweek Bible Study will be taking a break until Wednesday/Thursday, January 8th & 9th

Fellowship Committee Meeting  will be held Tuesday, December 17th at 9:30 am.

New Year, Same God: Ladies Bible Study & Activity  Ladies, you’re invited to join Amanda and Samantha for another Bible Study and activity on Saturday, January 4 from 2-4pm. We’ll be challenging the idea of “new year, new me.” Come with your favourite Bible verse and an anti-resolution snack to share. We will also highlight an LWMLC mission grant project and a freewill offering will be taken. We hope you can join us!

Soup and Bun Sunday!!  Please join us after worship on Sunday, January 5th for great fellowship and a yummy soup and bun meal.

King of Kings Christmas Dinner Hampers  Our Church would again like offer families and individuals a blessing at Christmas by providing a full Christmas dinner with all the fixings. If you know someone who would benefit from this gift let Clint and Juanita Nissen know. As in the past, we are asking for congregational members or friends to donate funding to support this endeavor. The cost of each hamper is about 150 dollars. Last year we provided 18 hampers. Donations can be made through the worship offering, or directly to treasurer Cheri, or to Clint and Juanita Nissen

Young Adult Retreat at King of Kings We are planning on hosting a young adult retreat (ages 18-35ish) at King of Kings the weekend of June 6-8. If you have a spare bed and
would be willing to host a young adult or presenter for the weekend, please let Samantha know. All meals will be provided at the church, we’re just looking for a more comfortable place to sleep than the church floor

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.