Today: Sunday, December 1
10:00am Worship with the Sacrament & Sunday School
Christmas Pageant Practice after Worship
Benevolent Auction after Worship
Monday, December 2
8:00-5:00 Pastor’s Office Hours
7:00pm Lay Ministry at Howard’s
7:30pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson
Tuesday, December 3
8:00-5:00 Pastor’s Office Hours
7:00pm GriefShare
Wednesday, December 4
4:15pm Confirmation
7:00pm Uganda Mission Fundraiser at Raven Church
7:30pm Midweek Bible Study
Thursday, December 5
8:00-5:00 Pastor’s Office Hours
10:00am Midweek Bible Study
1:00pm GriefShare
Saturday, December 7
7:00pm Christmas Concert at Craig
Sunday, December 8
10:00am Worship with Children’s Christmas Pageant
Worship Opportunities this Christmas Season
December 24, 7:00pm, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Dickson
December 24, 9:00pm, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Raven
December 25, 11:00am, Christmas Day Festival Worship with Communion at Dickson
Sunday School will be taking a break for the Christmas holiday (December 15, 22 and 29). It will resume January 5.
Annual Benevolent Auction Today after worship. Please join us!
Two GriefShare Courses are this week:
Tuesday evening from 7:00-9:00, December 3
Thursday afternoon from 1:00-3:00, December 5
Confirmation Class
4:15, Wednesday, December 4
Special Fundraiser
There will be a concert held at the Raven Church on Wednesday, December 4 at 7:00pm. The fundraiser is for the Uganda Mission that Pastor Fiege has been supporting.
Midweek Bible Study
The sessions will be held Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm and Thursday mornings at 10:00am. Wednesday/Thursday, December 4 & 5
Christmas in the Country
This Christmas Concert will be held at Craig on Saturday, December 7 at 7:00pm.
GriefShare Surviving the Holidays
A one-day holiday seminar to give you encouragement, support, and valuable tools to navigate the challenges of the season. Tuesday, December 10, 7:00-9:00pm at King of Kings. Talk to Linda Herron.
Ladies Christmas Centerpiece Crafting
Ladies, you’re invited to join Theresa from The Flower Boutique in Innisfail, here at the chuch, for a Christmas Centerpiece Crafting event on Saturday, December 14. The cost for the event is $85+GST. We’ll start with a meal together at 12pm, with the crafting following at 1pm. If you’re interested please let Samantha or Deb know by December 1.
King of Kings Christmas Dinner Hampers
Our Church would again like to offer families and individuals a blessing at Christmas by providing a full Christmas dinner with all the fixings. If you know someone who would benefit from this gift let Clint and Juanita Nissen know. As in the past, we are asking for congregational members or friends to donate funding to support this endeavor. The cost of each hamper is about $150. Last year we provided 18 hampers. Donations can be made through the worship offering, or directly to treasurer Cheri, or to Clint and Juanita Nissen.
Life Coach at King of Kings
What is life coaching? Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling. We have access to a Certified Life Coach here at King of Kings. Deirdre Franks is available to help if:
-You feel stuck or like something is missing from your life.
-You are looking for a sense of purpose and meaning.
-You want help setting and achieving goals.
-You have dreams for the future but don’t know where to start.
-You are facing big decisions.
This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund. Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.