Announcements – March 9
Today: Sunday, March 9 | Wednesday, March 12 |
10:00 am Worship | 8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours |
Kid’s Sunday School | 9:00 am Evangeline in The Office |
Monday, March 10 | 7:30pm Wednesday Lenten Service |
8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours | Thursday, March 13 |
4:15pm Confirmation Class | 8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours |
7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson | Friday, March 14 |
Tuesday, March 11 | Saturday, March 15 |
8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours | 2:00pm Rest and Refresh Ladies Bible Study |
3:30pm Discipleship Unlimited | Sunday, March 16 |
7:00pm GriefShare *Cancelled* | 10:00 am Worship with Sacrament |
March 10: Confirmation
March 11: Discipleship Unlimited
March 11: Grief Share *Cancelled*
March 15: Ladies Bible Study & Activity
March 21: Junior Youth
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Update: Approximately 90 people attended. A big thank you to everyone that helped in the preparation and cleanup.
Lent Packages Lent packages are ready to be taken home, one for each household. You can find the packages in the narthex. Be sure to grab one paper bag of supplies, one plant and one devotion booklet. We hope that these packages will help you to reflect on the season of Lent, which began Wednesday, March 5.
Grief Share: Are you grieving a loss? Find hope and healing after the death of a loved one at a weekly grief support group. The first Grief share meetings is this Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00pm. For more info contact Linda Herron at 403-588-6983 *Cancelled*
Evening Lenten Services: Come and join our weekly short Lenten services on Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Rest & Refresh Ladies Bible Study & Activity Ladies are invited to join us, on Saturday, March 15 from 2-4pm, for a Bible Study on “Resting in Jesus”, followed by a refreshing of some spring centerprieces for the tables in the fellowship hall. We will once again spotlight a LWMLC mission grant and a freewill offering will be taken for it. Please bring a snack to share. Talk to Samantha for more information.
Junior Youth: Everybody Birthday Party On Friday, March 21, Junior Youth in grades 4-7 are invited to join us for an Everybody Birthday Party! We’ll play some party games and enjoy some delicious birthday treats. Talk to Samantha for more information.
Road to Resurrection: The Easter Event for Everyone! On the morning of Saturday, April 12, we will be hosting Road to Resurrection: The Easter Event for Everyone! This is a station event where you’ll get to step back in time and follow Jesus’ footsteps through the week leading up to his death and resurrection. Along the path you’ll encounter people who’ve met Jesus and become part of an incredible experience. If you’re interested in registering your family or group, please see the poster on the bulletin board in the narthex or click this link.
Elections of Executive Officers and Committee Members: will be held at the next Voters Meeting on April 24. Positions to be filled include: Chairperson, Church Life Chair, Operations Chair, Lay Ministry, Operations, Great Commission, and Evangelism & Education. Prayerfully consider and encourage each other how you might contribute to our leadership. Speak to Les, Jared or Bryan if you are willing or want to suggest someone who could be encouraged.
Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat Youth in Grades 7-12 (2007-2012) are invited to the Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat, May 2-4, at Camp Bar-V-Nok on Pigeon Lake. The theme for the retreat is “Unearthing My Identity” with 1 John 3:1 serving as a theme verse. The registration cost for the event is $100 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would like to attend.
Young Adult Retreat Young Adults (ages 18-35ish) are invited to join us here at King of Kings for a Young Adult Retreat, June 6-8. The theme for the retreat is “You Will Be My Witnesses” based on Acts 1:8. Young Adults from across the province have been invited as well as a number of presenters from different mission organizations. The registration cost is $60 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or visit to register.
Life Coach at King of Kings What is life coaching? Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling. We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings. This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund. Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.