Announcements for the Week of October 13
This Week:
7:30pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson
3:30pm Discipleship Unlimited
7:00pm GriefShare
4:15pm Confirmation
7:30pm Midweek Bible Study: Gospel of Mark
10:00am Midweek Bible Study: Gospel of Mark
1:00pm GriefShare
9:00am Lay Ministers Training
10:00am Worship with the Sacrament
Sunday School
Youth Trip Information Session (After Worship)
Looking Ahead:
October 22-24: Pastor and Samantha at Church Workers’ Conference
October 25: Junior Youth Reformation Party
October 26: Ladies Crafternoon: Book Pumpkins
October 27: Reformation Turkey Dinner
November 24: Christmas Tree Lighting at King of Kings
December 1: Benevolent Auction
December 8: Sunday School Christmas Pageant
Youth Trip Information Session
Youth in Grades 7-12 and their parents are invited to join Samantha on Sunday, October 20 after worship for a short information session regarding the upcoming National Youth Gathering, and a possible provincial youth retreat. See Samantha for more information.
Ladies Crafternoon: Book Pumpkins
Calling all ladies! You are invited to a crafternoon on Saturday, October 26 from 2:00-4:00pm. We will be making book pumpkins, diving into the Bible and eating some delicious snacks. If you would like to come, please let Amanda or Samantha know. This is a free event, but a freewill offering will be available for LWMLC Missions.