Announcements – January 26
Sunday, January 26
10:00am Worship with Kids Sunday School
Monday, January 27
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
4:15pm Confirmation Class
7:30pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson
Tuesday, January 28
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
3:30pm Discipleship Unlimited
Wednesday, January 29
10:00am Pastors and Deacons Meeting in Red Deer
Thursday, January 30
8:00am-5:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours
Friday, January 31
1:00pm Junior Youth
Seminary Visit
Saturday, February 1
Seminary Visit
Sunday, February 2
Seminary Visit
10:00am Worship with Sacrament
Baked Potato Lunch
Junior Youth: Snow Day
For our next Junior Youth we’re hoping for a winter wonderland so that we can play in the snow! Join us on Friday, January 31 from 1-3pm and don’t forget to dress for outdoor play. If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact Samantha.
Seminary Visit
As part of Samantha’s education, Rev. Dr. Alex Vieira and Dr. Jennifer Frim (and her husband and three kids) from our seminary in Edmonton will be paying us a visit over the weekend of January 31-February 2. Please welcome them!
Baked Potato Lunch: February 2
Potatoes, sour cream and bacon bits will be supplied. We look forward to what toppings you will bring!
Sharpen your brain, borrow a puzzle!
Do you like puzzling? We have many puzzles available for you to borrow. You can find them on the table in the fellowship hall or on the bookshelf as you enter the library. Borrow one today!
Mark Your Calendars for VBS 2025!
The dates have been chosen, start planning your summer by adding Vacation Bible School to your calendar for July 14-18.