Announcements – February 23


Today:  Sunday, February 23Thursday, February 27
    10:00 am Worship     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
                       Kid’s Sunday SchoolFriday, February 28
Monday, February 24     6:30pm Friday Night in the Light
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursSaturday, March 1
     4:15pm Confirmation ClassSunday, March 2
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson     10:00 am Worship with Sacrament
Tuesday, February 25 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     3:30pm Discipleship Unlimited 
Wednesday, February 26 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     9:00 am Evangeline In The Office 


February 28: Friday Night in the Light for Discipleship Unlimited Class
March 2: Salad potluck lunch after worship
March 4: Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Supper
March 5: Lenten services begin each Wednesday 7:30 PM

Sign Up Sheet for Pancake Supper:  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for the pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday. Please think about how you can help!

Salad Potluck Coming Up We are having an after-service potluck on Sunday, March 2 Start thinking about what awesome salad you can bring to share!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!  Tuesday, March 4 starting at 5:00pm. Come join us for some delicious pancakes!

Craig Country Church Service: Starting March 4, the Caroline Church of the Nazarene will be putting on evening church services. Tuesday nights at 6:30pm. All are welcome!

Evening Lenten Services: Short evening services will be starting on Wednesday, March 5, at 7:30pm, and will continue weekly through the Lenten season. Come and join us to remember this season of Lent!

Grief Share: Are you grieving a loss? Find hope and healing after the death of a loved one at a weekly grief support group. Grief share meetings will start on Tuesday, March 11 at 7:00pm. For more info contact Linda Herron at 403-588-6983

Actors Needed for an Easter Event the Board of Evangelism and Education is looking to put on an Easter event this year on Saturday, April 12. We are looking for people who are willing to be “actors.” This will involve dressing up as a Biblical character and knowing a few lines or reading off a script, if you’re more comfortable. You will be “acting” for small groups of people as they rotate through the event. It will not be a play with a large crowd. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would be interested in helping out!

Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat Youth in Grades 7-12 (2007-2012) are invited to the Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat, May 2-4, at Camp Bar-V-Nok on Pigeon Lake. The theme for the retreat is “Unearthing My Identity” with 1 John 3:1 serving as a theme verse. The registration cost for the event is $100 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would like to attend. 

Young Adult Retreat Young Adults (ages 18-35ish) are invited to join us here at King of Kings for a Young Adult Retreat, June 6-8. The theme for the retreat is “You Will Be My Witnesses” based on Acts 1:8. Young Adults from across the province have been invited as well as a number of presenters from different mission organizations. The registration cost is $60 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or visit to register.

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Announcements – February 16


Today:  Sunday, February 16Thursday, February 20
    10:00 am Worship with Sacrament       8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
                       Kid’s Sunday SchoolFriday, February 21
Monday, February 17     1:00pm Junior Youth
Family DaySaturday, February 22
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursSunday, February 23
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at Dickson     10:00 am  Worship
Tuesday, February 18 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
Wednesday, February 19 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     9:00 am Evangeline In The Office 

Looking Ahead
February 21: Junior Youth
February 28: Friday Night in the Light for Discipleship Unlimited Class
March 2: Salad potluck lunch after worship
March 4: Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Supper
March 5: Lenten services begin each Wednesday 7:30 PM

No Confirmation Class:   Monday February 17 at 4:15pm

2024 Church Giving Profile

Junior Youth: Taste Test Challenge Get your taste buds ready! On Friday, February 21 from 1-3pm, Junior Youth will be back with another event, this time a taste test challenge! Join us to see how discerning your taste buds are and if you’re correct in your guesses! Talk to Samantha for more information. 

Sign Up Sheet for Pancake Supper:  There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for the pancake supper on shrove Tuesday. Please think about how you can help!

Actors Needed for an Easter Event The Board of Evangelism and Education is looking to put on an Easter event this year on Saturday, April 12. We are looking for people who are willing to be “actors.” This will involve dressing up as a Biblical character and knowing a few lines or reading off a script, if you’re more comfortable. You will be “acting” for small groups of people as they rotate through the event. It will not be a play with a large crowd. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would be interested in helping out!

Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat Youth in Grades 7-12 (2007-2012) are invited to the Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat, May 2-4, at Camp Bar-V-Nok on Pigeon Lake. The theme for the retreat is “Unearthing My Identity” with 1 John 3:1 serving as a theme verse. The registration cost for the event is $100 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would like to attend. 

Young Adult Retreat Young Adults (ages 18-35ish) are invited to join us here at King of Kings for a Young Adult Retreat, June 6-8. The theme for the retreat is “You Will Be My Witnesses” based on Acts 1:8. Young Adults from across the province have been invited as well as a number of presenters from different mission organizations. The registration cost is $60 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or visit to register.

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Announcements – February 9


Today:  Sunday, February 9Thursday, February 13
    10:00 am Worship     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
                       Kid’s Sunday School     Samantha at the Seminary
  Monday, February 10     Pastor Russ Taking Anita to Calgary              Airport
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursFriday, February 14
     4:15 pm Confirmation Class     Samantha at the Seminary
     7:30 pm AA/Al-Anon at DicksonValentine’s Day
Tuesday, February 11Saturday, February 15
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office HoursSunday, February 16
     3:30 pm Discipleship Unlimited     10:00 am Worship with Sacrament
Wednesday, February 12 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     9:00 am Evangeline In The Office 


February 11: Discipleship Unlimited
February 21: Junior Youth
February 28: Friday Night in the Light for Discipleship Unlimited Class
March 2: Salad potluck lunch after worship
March 4: Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Supper
March 5: Lenten services begin each Wednesday 7:30 PM

Junior Youth: Taste Test Challenge Get your taste buds ready! On Friday, February 21 from 1-3pm, Junior Youth will be back with another event, this time a taste test challenge! Join us to see how discerning your taste buds are and if you’re correct in your guesses! Talk to Samantha for more information. 

Salad Potluck After Service on March 2nd. Start thinking about a salad that you and your family can bring to share!

Actors Needed for an Easter Event The Board of Evangelism and Education is looking to put on an Easter event this year on Saturday, April 12. We are looking for people who are willing to be “actors.” This will involve dressing up as a Biblical character and knowing a few lines or reading off a script, if you’re more comfortable. You will be “acting” for small groups of people as they rotate through the event. It will not be a play with a large crowd. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would be interested in helping out!

Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat Youth in Grades 7-12 (2007-2012) are invited to the Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat, May 2-4, at Camp Bar-V-Nok on Pigeon Lake. The theme for the retreat is “Unearthing My Identity” with 1 John 3:1 serving as a theme verse. The registration cost for the event is $100 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or if you would like to attend. 

Young Adult Retreat Young Adults (ages 18-35ish) are invited to join us here at King of Kings for a Young Adult Retreat, June 6-8. The theme for the retreat is “You Will Be My Witnesses” based on Acts 1:8. Young Adults from across the province have been invited as well as a number of presenters from different mission organizations. The registration cost is $60 per person. Talk to Samantha for more information or visit to register.

Life Coach at King of Kings What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Announcements – February 2


Today:  Sunday, February 2Thursday, February 6
    10:00 am Worship With Sacrament     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
                       Kid’s Sunday SchoolFriday, February 7
                       Baked Potato Lunch to FollowSaturday, February 8
Monday, February 3Sunday, February 9
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours     10:00 am Worship
     4:15 pm Confirmation Classes 
     7:30 pm AA/AI-Anon at Dickson 
Tuesday, February 4 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
Wednesday, February 5 
     8:00-5:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours 
     9:00 am Evangeline in the office 

Looking Ahead:

February 11: Discipleship Unlimited
February 21: Junior Youth
February 28: Friday Night in the Light for Discipleship Unlimited Class
March 2: Salad potluck lunch after worship
March 4: Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Supper
March 5: Lenten services begin each Wednesday 7:30 PM

Baked Potato Lunch After Worship: Everyone is welcome to join our Baked Potato Lunch after worship today!

Mark Your Calendars for VBS 2025 The dates have been chosen, start planning your summer by adding Vacation Bible School to your calendar for July 14-18. 

Life Coach at King of Kings  What is life coaching?  Life coaching is all about having a conversation or a series of conversations that help you figure out what really matters to you and what makes your life feel fulfilling.  We have access to a Certified Life Coach, Dierdre Franks, here at King of Kings.  This is a ministry supported by the Great Commission Fund.  Please see the poster on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information and available time slots.

Announcements  Please call the church at 728-3829, or email at [email protected]  and leave a message by noon on Wednesday each week to have your announcements printed in the bulletin.  Thank you.

When you send an email to the Church…  Please remember that we have a number of different email addresses (listed below).  The general email address should be used for basic information and announcements.  If your message is confidential, be sure to use Pastor’s or Samantha’s email addresses.

Church Contact Information
Pastor’s phone:  403-505-1645;  Samantha’s phone:  236-513-1907
Administration email address:  [email protected] 
Samantha’s email address:  [email protected]
Pastor’s private email address:  [email protected]
Offerings can be E-Transferred to:  [email protected]

February Grapevine

“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)

Let me introduce you to Polycarp. He is a hero of mine from Church history. He was the bishop of Smyrna, which is Izmir in modern day Turkey. He was taught the Christian Faith by the Apostle John. In 155 A.D., Polycarp was martyred for Christ. We remember him on February 23rd. When Polycarp was told to reproach Christ, he replied,

“86 years I have served Him, and He has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?”

When threatened with being burned alive, Polycarp said,

“You threaten me with a fire that burns an hour and is soon quenched, for you are ignorant of the fire of the coming judgment and eternal punishment stored up for the ungodly. But why do you delay? Do what you want.”

Polycarp never renounced Jesus, and he died by being stabbed. He was faithful unto death. It is unlikely (but not impossible) that you and I shall be persecuted like Polycarp was.

May you and I, by the grace and mercy and strength of Christ, be faithful unto death.
In Jesus,
Pastor Russ